Saturday, July 14, 2018

Winston-Salem Art Park #2

 On summer days, these metal bands provide a bit of shade to sit in.  Some nights, they form a stage area for bands.  In a heavy wind, these super thick steel bands actually sway back and forth.  That's really freaky when you're sitting there leaning against one.
 The big red square pipes are meant to hark back to the days of the Reynolds Tobacco and furniture factory smokestacks soaring above town.  Steam comes out of the top of these pipes at time to complete the factory illusion.
 A rat rod in front of the Art Park during the Heavy Rebel Weekender music festival/car show in July 2018.
 A different angle, with a rat rod truck in front of the Art Park during Heavy Rebel Weekender 2018.
 Looking across the street from the art park at a Cadillac which is the same year as the blue Caddy my Grandpa Mayer in Ohio had when I was a kid.  Grandpa's Caddy wasn't lowered and flat black, but this Caddy didn't smell like nasty cigars.
View from the sidewalk inside the park, with Red Dawg Gallery in the background.

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