Thursday, July 19, 2018

Pretty Good Day, and a couple of drawings 7/19/2018

My second Sharpie drawing of my first hero, Bruce Lee.  This drawing is now living in California with an old friend from the BMX world. I wanted to show an older drawing or two today, and I needed to put this one on my blog to use it on Pinterest.  Yeah, there are dudes on Pinterest.  Check out my boards.

Two cool happenings in my life today.  One person told me they want me to draw the cover art for an upcoming children's book.  Way cool.  More details on that when the project gets underway.

I also got my first drawing order for Christmas time this year.  That one came out of nowhere.  But that's how things are happening now.  Word of mouth and people who've seen my drawings up close are finding me and asking me to do projects.  It you think you want something for the holiday season, or between now and then, email me at .

My 18" X 24" drawings are now $175 each.  They take me 30-40 hours or so to do, a full week's work.  So that's not a lot of money for both the time involved and for an original drawing that's pretty dang sweet.  I know that's a lot of money to most people.  With that in mind, I'll be doing more smaller drawings and making both color copies and signed and numbered prints at prices ranging from dirt cheap to quite reasonable.  Stay tuned for more info on those.

Here's another drawing that's been really popular here in the Winston-Salem area, longtime resident here and America's late Poet Laureate, Dr. Maya Angelou.
"We are more alike, my friend, then unalike."

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