Saturday, July 7, 2018

When it doubt.. Listen to Social Distortion

The Social Distortion drawing I'm doing for myself, but never finished because I've been stuff for other people to pay the bills and stay alive.  Probably won't finish it this weekend either. 

I just realized that I first saw Social Distortion play 30 years ago.  That means two things.  I'm fucking old, and they've been kicking ass a looooooong time.  It's 5 am and I'm blogging it up ahead of the main day and car show of the Heavy Rebel Weekender here in Winston-Salem.  Here's me favorite Social D songs...

"Telling Them"
"Don't Drag Me Down"
"Story of My Life"
"She's a Knockout"
"Mommie's Little Monster"
"Reach For The Sky"
"Ball and Chain"
"Gotta Know The Rules"
and if I don't pay my $600+ court fine Monday, it's
"Prison Bound"  (OK, 30 days in county, actually...)

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