Monday, May 21, 2018

"The Family": Why the "Christians" who run the U.S. don't actually believe in the teachings of Jesus of Nazareth

This is researcher/writer Jeff Sharlet explaining the most powerful network in American politics in 2008, "The Family." 

Here's a tweet from Jeff Sharlet (@JeffSharlet) from May 19, 2018: "I published my book THE FAMILY: The Secret Fundamentalism at the Heart of American Power 10 years ago around now.  Now we have Family associates Pence, Sessions, Devos, Carson & more *really* at the heart of power."

The Family is IN NO WAY followers of the teachings of Jesus.  They are simply people who have not done the hard work of spiritual growth, and instead use the name of Jesus to con people and have those people become hypocrites.  There is one simple way to find out if any person is a follower of the ACTUAL teachings of Jesus.  Punch that person in the face as hard as you fucking can.  If they turn the other cheek and off you another  punch, then they've spent some time working to learn the two simple commandments Jesus told his followers.  If the person you punch does ANYTHING except turn the other cheek, then then have no interest in actually following the teachings of Jesus.

Hey, that's your right.  You can be a complete asshole and call yourself a Christian.  But I'm under know obligation to believe your bullshit.  Neither is anyone else.

I don't care what you believe.  I don't care how you act.  You'll have to deal with your own karma at some point.  That's on you.

But I do believe that the Constitution of the United States of America was a really great idea, and I know we'll ALL be much worse off if we allow the lying, cheating, thieving, hypocritical assholes now in power to destroy the rule of law and the United States as we know it.  That would suck. 

I read Jeff Sharlet's book, The Family, several years ago.  I've watched things get much worse in this country, and prove his book true.  If you want your children and their children to grow up in a country that looks like today's mess in Iraq or Syria, ignore this post.  It's up to you.  Personally, that sounds pretty lame to me. 

The Bible- Matthew 22:37-39 (RSV)-  "And he said to him, 'You shall love the Lord your God with all your heart, and with all your soul, and with all your mind.  This is the great and first commandment.  And a second is like it, you should love your neighbor as yourself." (actual quote from Jesus).  This is probably why the corrupted NIV version of the Bible was created.

You can never justify ANY act of violence by these primary teachings of Jesus.  EVER.  

Those of you who follow this blog know I don't preach and I don't talk religion.  I have many other things to write about.  Now is the time I need to make my beliefs clear.  Many will attack me.  Many have already attacked me in many different ways over the last 20 years.  I'm still here.  Somebody "up there" must like me. 

My thoughts?  Create something beautiful today.

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