Friday, May 4, 2018

First Friday Gallery Hop in Winston-Salem Tonight 5/4/2018

This video of a mermaid in the window of a Trade Street gallery is from 2010... and it has 90 views.  About ten of those are mine.  Every time I look for a cool clip to of the Trade Street scene, or the First Friday Gallery Hop, I end up watching this clip, because there are only a handful of clips, and most are old.  That's a bummer, because the Winston-Salem First Friday Gallery Hops are a blast.  So here's a tip for all the other artists in the Trade and Liberty Street scenes. 

I'm Steve Emig, Winston-Salem's premiere Sharpie artist.  Check out my Sharpie scribble style drawings and my doodle art stuff.  Also, you can check out:
Facebook: Steve Emig (only one in Winston-Salem)

Winston-Salem Artists, do this:  Take out your phone tonight.  Shoot video and photos of SOMETHING at the Hop.  Then put it on YouTube.  If you're not sure how to do that, search YouTube for a how-to video.  Then put it on Facebook, Snapchat, Twitter, your blog, wherever.  Help the world find our scene. 

 If you want to actually sell your art at a decent price, you need to let THE WORLD, not just the people walking around the Hop, know you exist.  Let the world know WE ALL EXIST.  That's what I'm doing.  In the last week this goofy little blog has been looked at by people across the U.S., Canada, Australia, several European countries, and I got 63 views from Russia this morning.  Not sure what that's about, but there are BMXers and artists there, lots of them.  Or they may be reading my economic themed posts.  Or they may be making bootleg copies of my Stevie Ray Vaughn drawing (go back a post).  In any case, let the world know you rock on the First Friday Hop Nights Winston-Salem!

Tonight, there will be no mermaids.  But there will be Go-Go Dancers in the window of Studios at 625, (625 Trade Street) and near the stage at times.  That's also where I'll be drawing live, at Designs, Vines, and Wines, in Studios at 625.

Come down and check out the artwork from a whole bunch of great artists and craftspeople, have a drink, let the kids rock the sidewalk chalk, stare at the Go-Go dancers when your wife's not looking.  It'll be fun.  Heckle me as I draw if you want to.  It's OK, I was a taxi driver for years, I'm used to the abuse.

It's a hot summer night while still Spring, lots of people will be out and about.  I'll try not to scare off the Go-Go dancers.  Come join the fun.  This Sharpie art Jerry Garcia drawing of mine will be on display and for sale:

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