Monday, May 14, 2018

Cub White Bear online store coming real soon...

 BMXers didn't invent bicycle trick riding, we just stepped up the progression BITD and took it worldwide.
 It's my personal opinion that bicycle trick riding was invented about ten minutes after the first bike was invented... when a cute girl walked by.
 Not all big beards today are on the chins of hipsters.  But many are.  In addition to the insight above, hipster beards remind me old school lumberjacks, which reminds me of Monty Python's "Lumberjack Song."
Has Been?  Never Was?  Call me what you like.  This is me carving tile in the Nude Bowl on a 105 degree day in 1990.  That particular session was for my video The Ultimate Weekend, and Brian Blyther, Xavier Mendez, Keith Treanor, John Povah, and Mike Sarrail were out there that day.  Don't get much better than that.  You can watch the edited version of that session, set to the great song "Pool Party" by The Stain, at 26:55 in this clip.

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