Wednesday, October 3, 2018

Homeless/artist/blogger life 10/3/2018

Here's one of the many crazy things about being homeless.  A lot of people will help you out to get a meal.  But if you come into a bit of money and use it to get a cheap ass motel room for the night, they think you're just blowing your money.  The whole name of the situation is called "HOMEless."  That means you sleep every night in a pretty lame place and situation.  In most cases. you don't sleep much, and you definitely don't sleep well.  So one of the biggest things you crave when homeless is a good night's sleep.  That's what I was able to do last night, thanks to a very gracious donation by a woman, and some other people earlier in the week.  This nearly 8 hour long video of a man sleeping courtesy of The Sleeping Guy Show.

Let me back up a bit...

Old BMX world friend, and one time roommate, Big Island Mike Castillo, was here in Richmond for the tattoo convention last weekend.  I haven't run into him in 10-12 years, so once I heard he was in town, I wanted to get out there and say, "Hi."  Did I mention he's actually been a character on South Park?  Still haven't seen the episode.  But that pretty much says you made it in today's world.

Anyhow, the buses don't run out to where the convention was, and I was short on money, so I didn't make it out there.  Oh... and there's the whole "I haven't had a real shower in three weeks" issue, that was part of it, too.  So, I'll try to catch up the next time you're around Big.

I had two art projects, both big portraits, lined up last week.  I try to avoid portraits, because they don't work the best with my Sharpie style.  But the first said he'd put up $50 up front, which helps.  But he lagged.  Had to give money to the baby mama, so there wasn't any left for the drawing deposit.  I emailed the other guy with my price and deposit, but didn't hear back.  So that was some money I anticipated that didn't come through.  Both of these may still happen, but not right now.  That money not coming through packs a punch in my current situation, but it gave me time to finish the tiger drawing, which came out amazing.

I also missed the last 4th Friday art thing at Lamplighter Coffee shop on Addison, near Carytown.  I was bummed, that's a really cool scene.  But I was waiting on the one guy above at the time, and just couldn't make it.  It's their last 4th Friday thing of the year, but I'll be there if I'm still in the area come spring time.

That brings me to raising "Venture Capital" homeless style.  I wound up with enough to get a much needed room last night.  One of the many things average people don't understand about being homeless is that you're always tired, you never sleep well, the heat dehydrates you when you sleep, the chilly nights force your body to work to stay warm, and it just drains you.  Homeless people are always running at near exhaustion levels.  A night in a cheap ass motel does wonders.  And it's necessary.  You have to do things when homeless to keep your hopes up.  Just kicking my feet up on the bed, reading a book, taking a shower, and downing a Naked Juice smoothie, really helped.

I avoid orange juice, and a lot of fruits, and yogurt, when homeless, because they clean out my gut, which makes me go to the bathroom on an irregular schedule.  When you sleep outside in a sketchy place, taking a dump at night is, basically, not possible.  So I intentionally eat things that clog my gut and keep me from unplanned bathroom visits.  But I love Naked juice smoothies, so I downed one yesterday, and feel a lot better today because of it.

I woke up this morning, in a nice bed, with my always swollen calves back down to their normal size.  That's another thing that happens on the streets.  So I feel a thousand times better after a good night's sleep, and I have some money left to go promote my Sharpie art before the First Friday event in the Arts District, here in Richmond, this Friday.

OK, back to the "normal" grind of drawing pictures, promoting them, and working towards building a small business, and making a decent living again in the coming months.

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