Wednesday, February 27, 2019

My Sharpie Scribble Style Art 2005-2019 - #13

For about 7 years, Sharpie scribble art was just something I did now and then.  I'd do a few drawings in a spurt, then not do any for a while.  I sold the kid's names drawings, but the rest were just for my own amusement.  I had a cool way of shading, but wasn't sure just what to do with it. 

Finally, around 2012, after my dad's death in August, and I moved in with my mom, I looked Sharpie art up online.  It just never really occurred to me before that.  I blogged, I looked up things to do with that, but art wasn't something I ever bothered to look up. 

When I finally did look it up, the best Sharpie art I found was, the black and white work by Jessie Armand.  I saw videos like this, and later, ones like the Lamborghini he draws on above.  It just looked so cool.  So, every once in a while, I'd do some "doodle art," black and white drawings, inspired by Jessie's work.  None of mine every comes out as cool as his, but it's really fun to do.  Here's a few of my large doodle art pieces.

 Always good advice.  Life throws shit at you.  Rise Above.  18" X 24"
 A plethora of hearts.  18" X 24"
 The D.I Y./ Do It Yourself mantra didn't come from the home improvement world, it came from punk rock.  18" X 24"
A complicated heart.  18' X 24", #sharpiedoodleart, #sharpiescribblestyle

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