Tuesday, February 26, 2019

My Sharpie Scribble Style Art 2005-2019 - #10

 If anyone ever writes a Dictionary of BMX, Vic Murphy will be the picture next to the word "tabletop."  This is one of my favorites of all the drawings I've done.  I took the epic black & white shot of Vic's one footed tabletop (Spike Jonze photo?) off a curb jump, and added color, kinda making the colors up.  Once I got the basic drawing done, I pondered what kind of background it needed.  It an idea unusual for me, I realized this needed no background.  I did hand write "Vic Murphy" in the bottom left, after this photo was taken.  This one is another drawing hanging on a wall in Scotty Zabielski's beach house near Chicago (aka White Bear Gallery Midwest)  Jealous?  you should be.  Hell, I am, and I drew the thing.
 I did this early on in 2016, for old buddy Keith Treanor.  I met Keith as a kid from New Jersey in 1989, I think.  He was always down to ride, and hungry as hell to blow some minds.  Since he was always available to ride, he wound up being both the new guy and the standout rider in my 1990 video, The Ultimate Weekend.  Or "The video that fat guy made," as Pete Augustin once called it.  Keith is giving some props to legend Todd Anderson in this photo, with the wall footplant to fakie Todd let rip at the first Meet the Street contest in Santee, CA. 

I also did a really cool drawing of Randy and Ryder Lawrence about the same time as this drawing, but I can't find the photo.  I need to find it, that was another really cool, early BMX drawing.
 This one of Steve Crandall is one of the first BMX drawings I did, back in December of 2015, I think, when I just started trying to sell these.  I loved this curb stall, and it had high contrast and deep shadows, which I was looking for.  I sent this to Steve back then, just to get some feedback in those early days.  Now he's doing his own brand of coffee inspired cool art.  I have another really cool Crandall pic I want to draw, just haven't gotten around to it yet.
 Mike" Boozer" Brown is a diehard local and builder of Sheep Hills, going back to the early days there.  He had a line he built named "Boozer."  Several years ago, he crashed at a national race, and wound up paralyzed from the waist down.  Every year, the Sheep Hills Locals hold the Boozer Jam to have fun, tear it up, and raise money for Mike's bills and stuff.  For three years, I've lagged at getting drawings done in time to raffle off at the Jam.  So Mike has all three, I think.  He's a cool guy, hardcore BMXer from waaaay back, and he's really struggling with health issues right now.  So if you're a person who prays, say one for him, and if not, send some good vibes his way.  Hang in there Mike, we're rootin' for you dude.  SHL for Life.
 You know how everybody's grandpa used to say, "When I was a kid, I walked four miles to school, barefoot, and we had road kill 'possum for Sunday dinner, AND WE WERE THANKFUL!"  That idea kind of inspired this one, since we're a bunch of old geezers now, though most are still riding.  Dennis McCoy... being Dennis McCoy.  Ouch.
Close-up of the Boozer Jam 2017 drawing, Shaun Butler at Sheep Hills, classic tabletop 360.

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