Friday, March 11, 2022

Did fossils found by ancient Greeks and Romans lead to myths of Gryphons, Cyclops, and other beasts?

This short video takes a look at the theory that fossil dinosaur, mammoth, mastodon, and other bones may have led to, or helped shape, some of the fictional creatures of myth.  There are recorded stories of Greeks and Romans finding fossil bones, but they had no idea that dinosaurs, and the large mammals of pre-Ice Age times existed.  So what did they think these bones belonged to?  That's the question this video looks at.

At some point in the early 2000's, while working as a taxi driver, I heard an interview on KPFK (90.7FM, L.A.) radio with Adrienne Mayor, who wrote a book called The First Fossil Hunters.* I still haven't read it, I actually ordered it to my favorite library yesterday, so I can read it when it gets transferred.  Her premise in the book is that fossil bones found by ancient Greeks, Romans, and others, may have led to, or dramatically influenced, the tales of mythical creatures in those days.  Is that where the story of gryphons, cyclops, and other fantastic beasts come from?  Maybe.  This video takes a look at the idea, and critiques it.  

Some conversation I had a few days ago reminded me of this interview I heard, and looking for a talk by Adrienne Mayor about it led to my post about the Amazon myth and the Scythians, covered in her later book.  If you're into archeology and paleontology, you may find this video worth checking out.  When I read the book, I'll write more on my thoughts about the whole subject.   

* Not a paid link.

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