Monday, September 18, 2017

Crazy Little Bugger

So... a couple weeks ago this crazy video popped up on the side of my YouTube page.  Like a moron, I watched it.  Then, last night, right as I was falling asleep, a bug BASE jumped into my ear.  It was a million dollar shot, straight into my ear canal.  Then it crawled deeper. 

I was kinda freaked out, because I could feel all its little legs going like crazy.  I grabbed a nearly empty bottle of peroxide, and poured a little into my ear.  The bug turned into a tiny Tasmanian Devil.  It tried to burrow into my ear drum.  That is a really, REALLY crazy feeling.  I flushed my ear out with water twice, and it started to back out.  I tried to pull it out with a pen cap, but it crawled back in deeper.  After a few minutes it finally died.

So I slept with it in there, and walked to the Emergency Department this morning. Over the course of about five hours of waiting, a doc tried to flush the remaining pieces out, but they were stuck tight.  So he ended up putting some numbing stuff in, and dug at it to get the pieces out.  It still hurt a bit.  But it's out now, and I'm back to every day life.  Having the video above fresh in my memory definitely DID NOT help the time I laid there waiting. 

I know a lot of you out there like to try new things.  Don't try this.  It sucked.  

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