Saturday, July 8, 2017

The Star Wars drawings

 I was 11 when the original Star Wars movie came out, and I liked it just like most other kids.  I waited years for the second and third movies, and became a fan of the original trilogy characters especially.  In my bedroom/studio where I drew most of these, I had a whole bunch of cool photos taped up on the wall, including this high contrast photo of Yoda.  I'd been thinking about drawing it for months, and finally got around to it late in 2016.  I drew that one just for me, to hang on my wall.  I put a whole bunch of Yoda's quotes in the purple, which are actually harder to see in real life.  I also tried to figure a way to draw The Force.  I blended other colors around the outside to kind of give that impression.
 Once I drew the Yoda drawing, I started thinking of doing other Star Wars characters, and picked this photo of Princess Leia to draw.  In another weird quirk of fate, I was in the middle of drawing this when Carrie Fisher get sick, went to the hospital, and then died.  That was beyond weird, surreal, really.  I was watching lots of interviews of her as I drew it, and her one woman show, Wishful Drinking.  In the upper right hand part of the drawing, I put some of her quotes.
With Yoda and Leia drawn, I found a picture of Darth Vader, and drew that one, too.  Instead of quotes in the background, I put a bunch of negative stuff that we hear in everyday life that sums up The Dark Side of humanity.  In the bottom photo, I have the three drawings hung up, and I'm toasting them with my R2D2 fliptop mug.  I scored that great little treasure at Goodwill for a dollar.  As soon as I was done with these, somebody wanted them, and they're now living on the wall of a beach house in Illinois.

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