Thursday, February 10, 2022

Grey Trash Sharpie art is coming soon...

I started drawing aliens in about 1998.  But the Greys smoking cigarettes started when I was experimenting with street art in 2007, and then with Sharpies in 2009, when I was living in a homeless shelter in Winston-Salem, NC, and looking for work.  I drew one grey wearing a wife beater tank top and smoking a cigarette, and it just made me laugh.  So I drew more.  These ones are on some skateboard decks I found by our dumpster in 2012.  The basic idea was, "What if there really are grey aliens living on some secret government base somewhere, and they got sick of staying underground?"  The Feds would build some kind of  small place for them on the surface, in the middle of nowhere, likely in mobile homes. 

So we'd wind up with a bunch of aliens in a trailer park in Nevada or New Mexico, and they wouldn't be able to leave.  Would they take on human trailer park characteristics?  Would they turn into White Trash aliens in a desert trailer park?  Would they become Grey Trash? 

That was the basic idea.  I started thinking about that, and then drew some.  So I've been drawing a bunch of these guys again.  With my laptop gone now, and a phone with no data, uploading photos is an issue.  But more of these guys are coming soon...

The quote on the last board below is, "I'm not crazy, and if I was, I'd send my invisible ninja leprechauns after you."  #greytrash, #sharpiescribblestyle

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