Sunday, July 21, 2019

S&M Bikes "Behind the Shield" Book Launch Party- S&M Bikes shop- #2

 The sequence of Chris Moeller, jumping the Cadillac at the Palm Springs Meet the Street, is BMX legend stuff.  In a riding career full of big, gnarly, sketchy ass jumps, this one stood out.  He jumped the car once, lengthwise, off a 2 1/2 foot high launch ramp, with plenty of room to spare.  Then some guys put a 4 foot high, 8 foot long 4 foot wide box jump box, sideways, in front of the car, and a bike, I think, then people just put random stuff, in front of that, like helmets, T-shirts, a Big Gulp cup.  Chris came charging down the road from half a block away, a second time, and jumped the whole freakin' mess.  Definitely a good choice for the cover of the book. 
 It would be hard to try to sum up the crazy, dysfunctional, innovative, gnarly as fuck philosophy of S&M Bikes' 32 1/2 year history in single photo.  But Matt Berringer walking his bike into Sheep Hills with a 12 pack of PBR in hand comes pretty fucking close. 
 The scene in the S&M Bikes shop parking lot last night (July 20th, 2019) at the Behind the Shield book launch party.  Old BMXer/punkers don't age all that well, but we look badass as hell.  Lots of black T-shirts and scars old scars, I think that's the key.  Glory is temporary, pain is forever, and chicks don't really dig scars.  Something like that.
 Straight outta Westminster (at least in the early 90's), Iroquois street legend turned car salesman and happily married man with a kickass grill, Ned and wife Kristy.  If they invite you over for a BBQ, don't miss it, that's the biggest thing I've learned from his Facebook posts. 
 I know black don't crack, but the indomitable Super G looks younger than he did 25 years ago.  People were tripping out about that as he walked in last night.  WTF G?  Good to see the man who took a bullet (literally, he did) and survived intensive care JUST so he could pay Moeller back the $1100 he owed for T-shirts he had made.
People I don't know listening to Chris tell stories on the mike as 44 Something plays in the background.  That's Keith Treanor doing a turndown at Moreno Valley on the screen. 

She never had a name that I know of, but the S&M T-shirt dominatrix chick (Sadistic Sadie is my nickname for her) made it to the book launch, on two classic green S&M "chick shirt" T-shirts, I saw guys wearing.  Whip it, whip it good.

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