Saturday, July 20, 2019

S&M Bikes "Behind the Shield" book jam- Sheep Hills- #7

 Sheep Hills.  Bad lighting for photos and video for 28 years now.  You'd think at some point someone would have built jumps that are well lit in the evening, when most people ride.  But no.
 This guy, who totally reminds me of the aggroness of Pete Augustin, just rode and rode and rode.  Hardcore.
 Unofficial motto of BMXers everywhere.
 It doesn't matter what you say, Old School U.K. legend Ian Morris (left), won't believe you.  Ian and Jason "Timmy" Ball watching while taking a breather.  Want to know how Jason became "Timmy?"  Shortly after moving to Huntington Beach in about 1993-4, and becoming a roommate to me and Chris Moeller, Jason went along to McGoo's house one night.  When Jason was introduced to McGoo, Mcgoo said something like, "Another Jason, there are too damn many Jasons around here, from now on, you're Code Name Timmy.  The name stuck.
 Big Island Mike (left), did a little riding, and some hanging.  He's going to be doing bargain tattoos at the party at the S&M warehouse tonight (July 20, 2019) as I write this.
This girl wins for the most "Behind the Shield" bike of the jam.  She was riding a classic S&M Dirtbike plastered with S&M shield stickers.  "My dad put the stickers on," she told me.

This kid came through one of the smaller lines of jumps, then skidded to a stop right in front of me, but his back wheel washed out, and he landed on his butt.  

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