Monday, December 24, 2018

Freestyle BMX Tales Zines #1 & 2 are available NOW

These are the masters of the two zines.  I'm finishing them up today and tomorrow.  Both are stories from my time riding at The Spot in Redondo Beach, California in 1986.  Each zine is 48 zine pages, which is really fat for a zine.  Once I got writing tales, I wrote over 100 pages of rough drafts, that's why there are two.  I'm finishing laying out Zine #2 right now, and I'll be ready to ship them (plus a homemade sticker pack and maybe some other goodies) by this Thursday, December 27th. 

Get yourself a Christmas present! 
To order your set, Paypal $15 to me at . Postage paid in the continental U.S..  (It's steven with a "v", not steve) add your mailing address, or FB message or email me your address.  Elsewhere in North America, add $5 shiping.  U.K. and Australia orders add $10 shipping.  Every zine will be signed and numbered in order of the orders I receive.

In 1986, during my short stint at Wizard Publications, I was roommates with Gork and Lew, and riding nearly every night with Craig Grasso, Chris Day, R.L. Osborn, Andy Jenkins, and hanging out with McGoo, who brought Ceppie Maes and John "Dizz" Hicks down from time to time.  So those are the guys who feature in some of the stories.  

Most of you remember my blog, Freestyle BMX Tales, which I published over 500 freestyle stories in back in 2009-2012.  Unfortunately, I took it down during a dark time after my dad died in 2012.  I published another version for a while, about 65 posts worth, back in 2015-2017.  But I decided it's time to put some of my tales of the early BMX freestyle days into a hard copy, physical version. 

Zines by their very nature, are collector's items as soon as they're published, and we all know that there's a serious collector's market in BMX these days.  As the publisher, I think $15 is a fair price with that in mind.  Fat, 48 page zines, actually cost a bit to make.  I'm going to limit this to 243 total copies (plus a few promotional media copies, not numbered.) I doubt I'll come anywhere close to selling 243 sets, but that's a big number to cut it off at.

I've been doing zines since 1985, many of you know that.  My first zine landed me the job at BMX Action and FREESTYLIN' magazines, which changed the entire course of my life. I landed, much to my surprise, in the BMX freestyle industry, and led to working with several of the people making freestyle happen back then. 

I really wanted to have these ready to ship before Christmas, but with my current sketchy living situation, and the sheer amount that I wrote for these, I couldn't make it happen.  But I'm squaking it in before Christmas so you can do a little (well deserved) shopping for yourself this afternoon.

Remember, they're signed and numbered, cool guys get lower numbers, so you can show'em off at the next old schooler event in your area.  Hope everyone's stoked on them.

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