Friday, March 9, 2018

Sharpie Art Lamborghini by Jessie Armand

I never spent much time painting pictures as a kid.  I was always drawing with pencils, and later ballpoint pens.  That's why I started drawing with markers in 2002, and later switched to using Sharpie markers almost exclusively.  I was in my own little world, and had no idea that there were people out there doing cool stuff with Sharpie markers. 

In 2012, my dad had a stroke and died a few months later.  While he was in the nursing home, I quit driving a taxi, and spent the time with him that could.  I wound up moving in with my mom when he died in August of that year.  I couldn't find a job, and started spending more time drawing in my weird "scribble style" with Sharpies.  It was around that time that I finally got around to looking up "Sharpie art" on the web. The standout artist I found was Jessie Armand.  He does these amazing designs using only black Sharpies most of the time. 

His work is totally different than mine, and much better in my opinion.  It looked like fun, so I do a doodle art drawing every now and then, my version of his style.  They're getting better, but they're still not near as cool looking as Jessie's stuff.  Here's Jessie working on a Lamborghini.  Hey, no pressure, it's not like the owner would be mad if you jacked up a $175,000 car.  Cool stuff.

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