Monday, January 8, 2018

Oprah Rises to the Occasion

At a time when the Washington D.C. quivers in lunacy and cowardice, a true leader rises to the occasion, once again.  Oprah Winfrey survived a horrific childhood, and went on to a level of success unheard of for a woman, let alone a black woman, in her time.  She had no obligation at the Golden Globes to do anything else than speak about her body of work and say "thank you" to the Hollywood Foreign Press.  But... she's Oprah.  She chose to lead.  Not ACT like a leader.  Not throw her weight as a businesswoman around.  But to stand up and lead a room of some of the most amazing and creative women (and men) on the planet.  AND the millions of people, including all those young girls, watching at home.  Look out world.  The times they are a changin'. 

A toast to the stories that are finally being told, the secrets that are finally coming out, and to millions of women finding spirit in each others struggles and stories, and standing up.  But abuse of power is not just something just women have to deal with.  It's something nearly everyone has to deal with.  When the people rise because they've finally had enough, no force can deter them.  Much good will come from this movement.  Let it come.

But I also want to say a prayer of strength and guidance for those who will still endure abuse, here and around the world.  Those who will not find "justice" anytime soon, but may find the will to carry on as young Oprah, and millions of others, have done.  I wish courage and understanding to those who's stories cannot yet be told, to those caught in a similar struggle that this huge female uprising won't solve.  There's hope.  But the hope is not only in the punishment we call "justice," but in understanding that those who abuse are also the blacksmiths pounding the soft metal, actually forging the steel that tomorrow's great leaders will be forged from. 

Oprah is Oprah, in part, because of the abuse she suffered.  She is Oprah, in part, because of the strength that those horrible experiences helped her find.  Even if your abusers go to their graves without punishment by other humans, it does not mean you have lost.  To all of US who have survived abuse, WE have the ability to become strong and courageous people in the world.  Whether your abusers are punished in this lifetime or not, they can never take away the person you become.  When you survive the abuse, and struggle on to finally find your own courage, you have won, no matter what happens to them.  Never forget that. 

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