Thursday, April 26, 2018

Kevin Smith: Reanimated (NSFW!!!)

I can't remember how I heard of the movie Clerks,  I was a clerk in a couple of downtown Huntington Beach videos stores around then, and I took home movies to watch almost every day.  That's probably when I found it.  I remember it seemed a little slow and boring in parts, but I loved the sarcastic dialogue and the roller hockey on the roof scene.  When I worked at the Boise Fun Spot right out of high school, I used to climb up on the roof and have my friends take pictures of me on my freestyle bike doing tricks up there, so I could relate to that.

My biggest takeaway from Clerks was, "Holy shit, you're allowed to make movies like this?"  I'd made a bunch of bike and skate videos at that point, but a movie?  I mean what would it take to make an actual movie that people watched?  A couple years later I found out what it took was being named Spike Jonze, one of the many super creative guys from the bike/skate world.

I was three movies into his work when I actually realized that Silent Bob was the writer, producer, director of the movies.  I've been a fan of Kevin Smith this whole time.  Yes, I may go to some form of Hell for watching his movies, or at least have to smoke a turd in purgatory or something, but I dig people who can make you laugh.  I think that's one of the best things humans can do for other humans.

A couple years ago, I stumbled across his talks or whatever you want to call them.  He's freakin' hilarious when he talks about his life and the crazy stuff he's seen happen.  So, like a whole bunch of weird people, I was really bummed to hear he had a massive heart attack recently, and was stoked to hear he pulled through it.  This is the first clip I've seen of him since.  He's lost 32 pounds, and looks a lot thinner.  Hey fucker, I've lost 60 on the homeless diet,* I'm kickin' your ass there buddy.  But I started a lot fatter than Kevin, so he's got me on the total weight thing. Great to see him in good spirits, probably baked, and funny as ever.  Hope this guy keep making weird people like me laugh for a long time.  Here's some of the funny clips of him you may not have seen before.

 Kevin on working with Bruce Wyllis

Kevin on Prince

Kevin on protesting his own movie

Kevin talks dirty to a hard of hearing, old dog with cancer.

An Evening With Kevin Smith with Spanish subtitles (por que'?)

Somebody tell Kevin that hemp seeds actually clean crap out of your arteries.  Really, scientific study from either USC or UCLA proved it about 15 years ago. 

Check out my art in person or create a project of your own while here in Winston-Salem at Designs, Vines, and Wines.

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