Tuesday, May 21, 2024

The best explanation of the declining standard of living in the U.S. that I've seen...

Jeff Snider, of Eurodollar University, with a solid, 20 minute video, showing the trendlines of why our standard of living has dropped so much since the Great Recession (aka the GFC or Global Financial Crisis), of 2077-2009.

I've been following Jeff's YouTube channel for around a year now, and it's really hard to get your head around most of the time.  He's spent decades working to understand the Eurodollar system, which is how banks buy, sell, trade, and borrow billions of dollars daily,  to keep the worldwide monetary system functioning.  His depth of knowledge on this subject is mind-blowing, and hard to understand until you've followed him for quite a while.  

But this video is pretty straightforward, and shows the actual data and trendlines of all the economic growth that DIDN'T happen after 2008.  This is the best explanation of why so many people are struggling financially that I've seen in a 20 minute video.  

I've been doing most of my writing lately on a platform called Substack, designed specifically for writers.  Check it out :

My thoughts on financial markets

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