Tuesday, April 19, 2022

For all of you who are trading stocks because your friend made money on Gamestop or AMC...

So, you or your friends made some "easy money" on Gamestop or AMC on the Robinhood app.  You saw how easy this stock trading game is, and you're planning to make bank, like "make it rain all weekend at the strip club" type money.  You're trying to decide which Lambo to buy next year, and what $6,000 watch will look best with it.  Watch this video.  

Every year Forbes magazine lists the 400 richest people in the United States.  The guy talking in this video, Warren Buffet, and the guy sitting next to him on the stage, Charlie Munger, are both on that list.  Of the 400 wealthiest people in the country, they are the only two who made their fortunes actually investing in stocks.  The only two.  When it comes to stock investing, these guys are Yoda and Obi-Wan.

Warren Buffet is 91 years old now, and he has a net worth of around $125 billion.  Charlie Munger is 98 years old, and has a net worth of $2.6 billion.  When they buy stocks, they plan to hold them forever, if possible.  They are what is called "value investors."  The study hundreds of businesses, figure out which ones they really like for the long term, Then the figure out what a really good price would be to buy stock in those companies.  Then they wait for the stock market to lose interest in those companies, and the price to drop to a price they want to pay.  Then they buy the stock... and hold it.  These two old guys know the game of stocks, they've been in it longer than pretty much anyone alive.  They are, arguably, the two best investors in the United States.  

If you are interest in making money in the stock markets, watch this video.  This is some incredibly solid advice from the best investors in the world.  Warren Buffet shows a list of the 30 biggest companies in the world from 2022.  Then he shows the same list from 1989.  NONE of the 30 biggest companies in 1989 made the 2022 list.  Things change.  So do businesses and the world of business and stocks.  That's his point.  

I started a new blog, check it out:

The Spot Finder     #thespotfinder

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