Saturday, July 15, 2023

The 1987 AFA Freestyle Masters championships finals

This contest was the 1987 finals for the AFA, only the third year BMX freestyle was an actual sport.  It was held at the Olympic Velodrome on the Cal State Dominguez Hills campus.  

This is a contest a worked at as an AFA crew guy, basically a roadie.  I also got roped into judging 3 or 4 of the amateur flatland classes.  The next year, while I was working at Unreel Productions, they edited this into both a home video, and it was part of Unreel's six show Sports on the Edge, the first syndicated action sports TV series, in 1988-89.  

I'm doing a lot of writing on a platform called Substack now.  Check it out:

Steve Emig The White Bear's Substack

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