Tuesday, May 12, 2020

Woohoo! 100,000 pageviews for this blog!

Homer J. Simpson, will you kindly do the honors? 

Thank you for reading my blog.  There are over 600 million blogs in the world now, and 2 billion blog posts get written annually, according the the most up-to-date stats I just searched.  The vast majority of blogs probably never hit 1,000 views in their lifetime, although I couldn't find stats either way.  People start a blog, often planning to get rich through ads or affiliate marketing or selling some product of their own.  And then they fade, they don't promote their blog, then give up, and hardly anyone reads it.  That's the fate of 99%+ of the world's blogs.  This isn't one of those blogs.

I started this blog three weeks after moving into a tent, in the woods, in Winston-Salem North Carolina.  I moved out of my crazy mom's apartment, bent on either making a living from my Sharpie artwork, or dying while trying.  It's been a toss-up between those two, but I"m still alive and blogging.  I'd sold maybe 20 of my Sharpie drawings at that point, most for $20 to $50 each.  I couldn't get hired for even the most lame job in North Carolina.  I was flat broke.  I didn't really think very many people would read my new blog.  But I like blogging, and it was a way to promote my Sharpie art for free.

I don't buy links or pageviews, I don't game the system.  I don't blog just to "monetize" my content and get you to click on ads for shit you don't need, or follow links to buy junk, just to put money in my pocket.  I'm not against making money blogging, but blogging just to make money always results and a real spammy and lame blog.  That's just not me.

I write about shit I'm interested in.  This blog brought three wildly different subjects into one blog:  Old School BMX freestyle stories, thoughts on the future and the economy we all take part in, and my weird, unique, Sharpie scribble style artwork.

Much to my surprise, many of my former readers from my earlier BMX blogs (Freestyle BMX Tales, and FREESTYLIN' Mag Tales) hopped on for the ride.  For that I thank you.  I blog about things that matter to me, and stories I think might be worth sharing.

Just under three years later, I'm still homeless.  But now I'm homeless in the San Fernando Valley of California, which kicks ass over North Carolina.  Fer shur... like totally.  I'm now known mostly as an artist and blogger, mainly because I've drawn well over 120 Sharpie drawings, most taking 35 to 45 hours each.  I've sold over 80 major pieces of ar in the last 5 years, and my originals or prints are now on 6 of the 7 continents.  That just makes me laugh.  It's a really weird world we live in these days.  My blogging and artwork is not a good living... yet.  But it's a much better spot than I was in three years ago.  I've got a long way to go in this world, if I manage to survive long enough, and a ton of ideas for projects I want to create and make happen.

I did some soul searching recently, and I've decided to go in a couple of new directions.  I have two new blogs that I'm just starting, and now that Steve Emig: The White Bear has hit a nice, big, round number of 100,000 pageviews, I'll be focusing on those two.

Thanks for coming along on the journey of this blog, I may add a few more posts here, I'm not sure yet.  But most of my work will be on the other two heading forward.

In addition, I've written a book/blog thing about the long term trends that have led us to the Tumultuous 2020's, which I believe will be a pivotal decade across the world.  There is change happening at so many levels right now, everything seems crazy.  We've started off this decade three months into a financial breakdown in a the little known Repo Market.  Most people paid little attention to that.  But when the Covid-19 pandemic hit American shores, it triggered the already shaky financial world, leading to a massive stock sell off, and now the craziest economic scenario since the Great Depression of the 1930's is upon us.  I did not see a pandemic coming, but I did see major economic turmoil coming, and I called the massive stock market drop before the market peaked, and about three weeks before the 10,000 point slide began.  My book/blog thing, Welcome to Dystopia: The Future is Now- Book 1, explains why I saw trouble ahead in the 2020's.  19 chapters are up as I write this, I'll publish chapter 20, and clean the whole thing up, before long.

Thanks again for checking out my stuff.  I hope you find more of my future content worth the time to read and watch.  As always, let me know what you think on Facebook Twitter, or in an email.

Here's the latest drawing I finished, the enigmatic Frank Zappa.  #sharpiescribblestyle

I have a new blog I'm focusing on now, as of May 2022:

Steve Emig's Street Life- Dealing with change and building a new life in the 2020's.

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