Monday, May 13, 2019

It's Monday morning... here's 130 bike tattoos to look at instead of working

If you read this blog much, you know I landed back in Southern California last week, and my official job now is blogging and social media promotion for the new Block Bikes Online Store.  I'll still be blogging on other interests and doing Sharpie art, my unofficial "jobs."  Part of what I'm doing for Block is building a huge image bank of BMX, MTB, and other bike stuff on Pinterest.  So last night, I got an idea for a new board there, Bike tattoos.  I've collected 130 different photos so far, and you can check them out here: Block Bikes Bike tattoos on Pinterest.  You have to sign up on Pinterest to scroll through the whole thing, which takes a couple minutes.  It's worth it.  Pinterest is set up as an image search engine, so you can look up pretty much anything, and get tons of photos, like good bike tattoo ideas.  Or bad bike tattoo ideas...  Happy Monday everyone.

Oh yeah, that's my leg in the photo.  I had to get your attention.  Not a real tattoo, I actually don't have any tats.  Really, none.  But I do have a self-done brand made of about 35 burns.  Oh, and NO, I'm not going to get that white bear doing a tabletop tat.  OK, now you can make fun of me...

I've got a new blog going on, it's about building an art or creative business, and small businesses in general  You can check it out here:
WPOS Kreative Ideas

1 comment:

  1. I’ll get an Epic Rap Battles of History tattoo (YouTube it if unfamiliar) using your sharpie method. That way I can change it when I grow tired of it


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